How to Hide or Customize Google+ Communities Post’s That Appear in Your Home Stream?

Communities is a popular feature in the google+ network where people with similar interests share and collaborate. In other words a modern version of a forum / groups with a touch of social powered by Google+.

This feature was quickly appreciated by Google+ users and was a great success. In fact this feature brought user engagement on Google+ to an all time high. According to GlobalWebIndex, Google+ had over 330 million+ active users in january 2013.

Due to its huge popularity you might have already experienced this problem i.e your main stream or home stream is super busy with posts flying from all the Google+ communities you signed up / joined.

Don’t worry, Google+ team has rescued us by allowing to customize and control what you see from communities.

How to control home stream with google+ community posts

Google+ communities : Customize and control your home or main stream

Option #1. Completely turn off community posts from appearing in your home stream

  • Goto the community you want to customize
  • Click on the Actions drop down button
  • Check or Un-Check, Show posts in Home Stream option based on you want to show or hide community posts

Option #2. Customize / limit the amount of posts you want to see in your home stream

  • Same steps as above
  • Click on the Amount menu item (defaults to Standard)
  • In the sub menu choose More, Standard or Fewer according to your preference

Hope this feature helps to keep your home stream organized.

1 comment

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  1. David Beck

    Speaking of the home stream, it would be nice if there was a pause button on the Google plus home stream, similar to the pause available on a hashtagged search.

    The lack of this makes reading down through posts on the home stream very annoying as new content feeds in and the page keeps jumping!

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