Map Maker Gets Google+ Share : Collaboratively Map Any Place, Business or Destination!

No one knows any place, park, destination or a business better than the one who lives close in the neighborhood or adjacent places. Google+ now adds social share option to socially and collaboratively map these locations easily and quickly.

Google maps has done a wonderful job of mapping millions of places, businesses and other destinations. But that doesn’t cover every place in the US or hundreds of countries world-wide. Quite some time ago they released Map maker a web-based tool that allows to add or edit geographical information that would help millions of people who use maps and earth everyday.

Map maker features

  • Add new places (business, parks, schools, restaurants, you name it)
  • Edit or update details for places already there (once edit approved it appears on the maps)
  • Map trails, hikes, adventurous trips, etc
  • Driving directions

Simply login to map maker and you could instantly start contributing. Once your changes are accepted it makes it into maps and will be used by millions.

Share map maker location with your Google+ circles to add/edit geographical information

Now it has got even interesting. With every product getting social or google+ touch, now they’ve added google+ share button on the map maker.

You could now just go to map maker, click on a place on the map, fill in your details (refer image above) and share with your google+ circles and ask to contribute to add or edit information about that place, business, restaurant or any geographical location.

Shared Map maker location appearing in G+ incoming stream

The shared map maker location appears on your circle’s incoming stream (refer image above) and all they have to do is just click on it and you and your circle’s will see the same place and you can start contributing immediately.

With over 250+ million people on Google+, this new feature helps to socially and collaboratively build the next generation of rich maps with better chance of every square inch of physical landscape being mapped with help from the community.

Check it out and share your thoughts.

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